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Eldorado Water Blog

Eldorado Water Blog

The Problem with Purity: Why Natural Spring Water Beats Purified Water 

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 9, 2021 1:32:20 PM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in bottled water source, Drinking water

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You’re looking for an alternative to tap water and the chlorine and other chemicals it contains, and you see that purified water and natural spring water are two options. But which is better and why? With proper hydration being such an important part of overall health, it’s important that you have the facts before making your choice. 

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One Writer Goes on Bottled Water Source Tour: What He Found in Colorado

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 5, 2018 8:31:06 AM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in Award-Winning Water, bottled water source

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Knowing where your food, water, and clothes come from can be both an enlightening and an empowering realization. In a time where brands and products make claims to certain authenticities, ethics, or health benefits, wouldn't it be nice to be able to just show up at the farm and see if those free-range chickens are really ranging free?

Recently, one writer set out on a journey to discover the water sources used by top-brand bottled water companies—and his quest and passion is something that we at Eldorado Natural Spring Water really respect.

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From the Source: Why It Matters

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 5, 2017 10:30:00 AM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in bottled water source

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Have you ever really thought about where the water you drink comes from? Eldorado Natural Spring Water is sourced from an artesian spring, which is one of the many places water can be collected. Here's a little information about the different sources and why artesian spring water is among the finest. 

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