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Eldorado Water Blog

Eldorado Water Blog

Natural Spring Water: The Ultimate Hydration for Athletes

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 24, 2024 12:12:50 PM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in Exercise

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As the excitement of the Olympics fills the air, athletes from around the world are pushing their limits to achieve peak performance. One critical factor that often goes unnoticed is the importance of proper hydration. For athletes aiming to maximize their endurance and overall sports performance, nothing beats the power of natural spring water. At Eldorado Springs Natural Spring Water, we believe that hydration is the cornerstone of athletic excellence.

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6 Hydration Mistakes to Avoid During Your Workout

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 22, 2022 2:09:17 PM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Exercise

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Working out is excellent for your physical health and overall well-being. However, exercising takes a toll on your body and its resources, especially if you do vigorous workouts.

When you “work up a good sweat” while exercising, the fluid that’s dampening the front of your shirt has to come from somewhere! So does the water your body is using internally to endure and recover from the session. If you’re not aware of your water needs and taking action to address them, it’s easy to suffer from dehydration. If you become dehydrated, you can experience symptoms ranging from intense thirst and weakness to muscle cramps, spasms, and elevated blood pressure.

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It's Time to Dive In

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 27, 2016 1:56:45 PM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Health, Water, Exercise

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As you may know, we at Eldorado Springs are HUGE fans of water—and not just for drinking. Our historic swimming pool is open all summer, which means that now is your chance to get out there, relax, and enjoy some fun in the sun. Swimming offers many benefits: it’s an excellent way to stay in shape, relieve stress, and socialize with others. Of course, it’s also fun! Read on to learn how incorporating swimming into your next workout can seriously improve your overall health.

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