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Eldorado Water Blog

Eldorado Water Blog

Stacy Fowler, M.S., C.P.T.

Stacy Fowler, M.S., C.P.T.

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Operation Hydration

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 28, 2015 3:59:00 PM / by Stacy Fowler, M.S., C.P.T. posted in Hydration

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Ah…the beauty of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. It’s breathtaking, but it’s also dehydrating. Survival is dependent upon water. You can survive for weeks without food, but you’ll die within days without water. Water makes up approximately 65% of our body weight. 20% of our bones, 70% of our brains, 75% of our muscles, and 80% of our blood is made up of water. A loss of more than 10% poses a significant health risk and loss of 20% will result in death.

The body’s need for water is second only to oxygen. Additionally, drinking water keeps the wrinkles away! Now that’s hydration motivation! Keep reading for your unique hydration formula!

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